I know its been a while since my last update, I am sorry. Here is an update on what has been going on here in Reno and the latest adventures of Levi. The last time we spoke (or you read, rather) I was hiking the hills, couch surfing at Heather's and looking for a job. SO... with that said.... I have found and stopped working one TERRIBLE job, found another... and am interviewing for a second job tomorrow... I'll update this tomorrow to let you know for sure (UPDATE: The interview went really well I think. I met two supervisors named Gary and Chia as well as interviewed with Elizabeth C. again. It was a good, fun interview and Im excited to hear back from them!). Today I started rafting again, and tomorrow I interview at Patagonia. I hope it goes well! I also moved from Heather's couch into a VERY SMALL loft/room. Nothing special, but I got a great deal I couldn't pass up! I do really appreciate Heather letting me crash on her couch for a few weeks while I got settled in to Reno life. After a lot of prayer and a lot of work, things are working out just fine with a few pluses and minuses.
Here's a Video from the river today
Todays crew... 2 guests and Hollis, another guide
The trainee boat
Peter and Betsy from Maryland
Great day to be Raftin
The lowhead WE RUN! CRAZY!... The early dam we run is about 14' tall. What a strange feeling to run a dam.
One of my favorite aspects of scripture is the wilderness. Jesus was the ultimate hiker. He also would go be alone when he was having a hard time. When my life is in a corner or I am having trouble making a decision, when I'm angry or frustrated or confused, I like to hike it out. Since I landed in Reno I have been scoping the local mountains for hiking. The mountains closest to Heather's house that still had some snow on them had been tempting me for some time, and finally after a couple hard days that had begun to tax on me, it was time to head UP! It took me 5 hours round trip and probably covered between 15-20 miles with an elevation climb of about 3000-3500 feet. I grabbed some water and sunflower seeds and hit the trail with a purpose. I hiked with a speed and intensity I haven't hiked with in years. It was a beautiful day and a great hike with lots of time to pray, think and focus on the things I need to do. Here is the pics from the hike!
Looking at the city of Stead
Reno from the trails... getting smaller!
SNOW! 7600 feet... dirty Chaco feet. I topped out around 8000 feet ASL.
Looking at California
Reno from the top!
7,700 ft ASL... i went a bit higher after this but didn't stop for a picture.
For those that don't know, I'm a HUGE baseball fan. (Reds east and Giants west) I've been to a couple of Reno Aces games which are a blast.
Reno Aces
Hammocking in the Arboretum
The view of downtown Reno at night from my loft/room! Its a super close walk to downtown or UNR.
I have been writing a lot more lately, and reading is starting to get right back on par. I also have been really enjoying Living Stones Church and have been searching for the right community group as well as trying to get involved in the church. Its been fun and rewarding to my faith and personal walk with Christ. I couldn't be more happy with a church. Here is a link to Living Stones. Well, that's about it guys!
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