Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is it STILL raining?!

Well, its been a hot minutes since I last checked in, so here goes nothing! (<still not sure how crazy I am about this opening line...) It has been raining for about a week straight here in Ohio! I think the last I heard, the state average is over 10" of rainfall for the month of April, which is a NEW STATE RECORD! That is just way top much rain. At least its been warm out.
At any rate, its been a busy week or so. I went to WV and back, packed the 4Runner and am on the move as well as played on some easy whitewater! On my drive to WV earlier this week, the weather proceeded to POUR a treacherous amount of rain on me. On several occasions the rain brought traffic to a crawl, and since the tires are nearly completely bald on my moms Honda Civic, I spent a majority of the trip hydroplaning down the highway. It was pretty exciting really. When I arrived in WV, I was greeted by good friends and MORE rain! I went up to the bar that I used to work at (Chetty's Pub) and caught up with Drew and Don, then headed over to the camper for some packing. The reason for packing is that, Don is buying the camper and plus I wouldn't feel comfortable heading west for a while, with a barely secured camper full of my stuff!

Mr. Don Wilson

Mr. Drew Fitzpatrick

The bar I tended at, Chetty's! I will miss it!
The view from the back deck of Chetty's into the New River Gorge.

Heres a few pics from my trip home from WV, when the rain held out until I hit the west side of Ohio.

Captain Crunch
Cathedral Falls, Gauley Bridge WV (looks much larger in person)
Gauley Bridge, WV (a TERRIBLE speed trap... believe it or not, I was given a $300 speeding ticket for 42 in a 40mph zone!)
The Capitol Building of WV. Charleston, WV (AKA the Golden Dome of The Rock in WV)
The cooling towers in Nitro, WV

After I got home, I loaded and packed the 4Runner and hit the road. My first stop is for a short while in Springfield Ohio. I am from Springfield and have a lot of family there. Springfield as been a good place to work out the kinks in my packing system and work on better planning and preparation for my trip west. It also is nice that there is a whitewater park in Springfield that I can use to get a little whitewater fix in while I am here!
4Runner loaded and rolling! Pics of my inside setup coming soon!
The lake in Springfield Ohio. C.J. Brown Reservoir as seen from the disc golf course. Its a fun course but be aware, it would be VERY easy to loose a disc there.
Sean Fellers dropping hole 1 in the Springfield WW Park on the Stand-up Paddle Board.
Me knee surfing in hole 1, thinking about standing up. Psyching myself up, to stand up and then EAT IT!
AND STANDING! BOOM SHAKA-LAKA! Managed to surf standing for 30 second to a minute before eating it.

Well folks, thats about it. I want to say thanks to Andy from The Outdoor Sourse in Columbus Ohio, for allowing Sean and I get goofy on his stand-up board and for giving us some instruction so we didn't kill ourselves. All in all, its been a fun and interesting few days. Sorry this update is a bit short, but I am at McDonalds, and there is no where to plug in the lappy-lap for more power! More to come soon!

EDIT (04/29/2011): You know, I knew I was forgetting something and sure enough I remembered what it was after I left my wifi spot. I was just in such a rush to beat my dying laptop battery that I was writing from what I was recalling from my pictures. At any rate, I also stopped to drop off a LAAATE Christmas gift to my good friends Glenn and Terry Sutton while I was in WV. I didn't get a chance to see Terry unfortunately, but I was able to see Glenn and chat briefly. Glenn and Terry are two of the nicest, most gracious people I have ever met in my entire life. They are truly great friends to me and I consider my self blessed to know them. Love them like family! I look forward to seeing them again, without a doubt. Glenn, if you read this blog, sorry I missed your call, but thanks a ton for the voice mail. Couldn't have come at a better time! Cheers, friend!

TTYL Hippies,

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

I think I just saw Noah's Ark....

Hey Readers! If any of you are in the southern Ohio area, you know we where hit with some very substantial storms last night. I love weather... studying weather, watching it roll in, reading Doppler maps and photographing storms and the damage left behind! I actually took a class on storm spotting that is provided by NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, often pronounced "Noah"), so that I could join the NOAA SkyWarn Weather Spotters Organization! Basically, as a weather spotter, I can report significant weather information, such as; tornadoes, funnel clouds, high amounts of precipitation, hail larger than 1/2-1" in diameter, ect. After you take the class, you are issued an ID card with a weather spotter ID number along with a phone number in which to call during weather events, for reporting. Though they are very clear, as a spotter, you SHOULD NOT storm chase, they do provide you with some basic safety information and inform you on certain things to know when storm chasing, so that you may be effective and safe!! Here is a link to the SkyWarn website: SkyWarn. The SkyWarn organization is a great supplement to my amateur radio licence, allowing me to be a more of an asset to my community in the event of a disaster or emergency situation effecting many people on a large scale. I also maintain current Red Cross CPR and First Aid cards as well as training from the US Army as a Combat Life Saver (A Battle Field First Responder is the best way to explain it.)

With that said, as the storms rolled in with massive amounts of lightning, and wind, I decided to grab my younger sister Megan's Nikon D40, and tossed in some quick manual setting and took a few pictures. Heres what i took:
Here it comes!
Trying to get the settings dialed in!
Setting where closer, but so was this lightning bolt! (about 25 yards away.. I saw spots for about 5 minutes)
Settings dialed in decently!
(Shooting from inside the house through the window, since it was Megan's camera and I wanted it to stay dry)
Not bad for a D40 with a stock lens shot hand held through a wet window!
Of course, the larger the photo, the easier it is to see the lightning. With a touch of editing, the lighting could be a lot more bold, but I'm not big on editing photos outside of cropping and a little contrast and color adjustments... nothing you couldn't do if you where shooting film. I believe Chris Weeks said it best: "Photographers who rely on Photshop and heavy editing as a form of photography, lack the necessary skills to make the truly great photographers."

As you can see from the photos, it was mainly cloud to cloud lightning which is exciting still, but doesn't make for those fun cloud to ground lightning pictures you see in books. I was impressed with the D40's ability to be set up fairly quickly in Manual Shooting Mode, and the quality of the pictures. My biggest issue with the D40 was processing time. For a 30 second exposure, it took nearly 20 seconds for the camera to process the photo before I could release the shutter for the next shot. My D80 is much faster and the Manual Shooting Mode allows for super fast settings control, but those things are to be expected advances of the D80 over the D40. None the less, the D40 is still a great camera for the amateur photographer! Well, I hope everyone stayed safe over the last couple days through the storms, and I hope you did not sustain any serious damages!

Peace out, Hippies!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Now I know what the Spider feels like!

HELLO HIPPIES!!! I hope you have made time today to bathe. There was certainly enough rain for you guys to get out and wash the crud off! I know you didn't use soap, but I'll let that slide as long as you at least wiped behind your ears.

IT RAINED SO MUCH!!... Pictures will come later... but before we get to that, lets have a look at a couple things I did over the past couple days. I get cabin fever pretty easily, so after a couple days of chilling out not doing much, outside of working on the 4Runner and doing some stuff for my trip, I was starting to get pretty antsy.  First thing I did was take my youngest sister Megan, and my dog down to the creek behind my Mom and Tim's house. It's a pretty fun, quick little hike that provides and excellent excuse to get out of the house, even if only for an  hour or so. Upon arrival to the creek, I just walked through the water to the other side, as I usually do. I turned around to see Tana in tow, and Megan staring at the water unwilling to cross... What a great opportunity to have some fun! When I began throwing big flat rocks in the creek, Megan became a bit confused, so I explained to her, I was building her a rock bridge and told her she should feel free to help out! After about 10 minutes this is what we had!

(Please ignore my pants...)

While moving rocks around, we found a couple of these little guys!
 The Northern Two-Lined Salamander
The Northern Two-Lined Salamander hiding in the water.

After playing in the creek for a while, I decided to set up my hammock for a bit and relax in the warm shade of the woods, and let Tana run around in the underbrush.
Because the woods are scary!

After a quick swim in the creek. Don't be fooled, he doesn't care much for water unless its SUPER hot out.
"Hold me, Man, I'm cooold!"

What a fun day! Could'nt get much better could it?! Well, later that evening, Megan, Wyatt (my step brother) and myself went for an casual walk down the road, enjoying the weather, and because I have to explore everything thing I see we stumbled on a couple of MASSIVE turtles mating in the creek that passes under Jacksonburg Road about a 1/4 mile south of the house. After allowing them plenty of time to finish there "business" and chill out in the water a bit, thinking we couldn't see them, we decided it would be a good idea to pluck one from the water for a quick picture! This is what we got!
Check out this massive Snapping Turtle (only posting pics of the 1), and you will note next to the turtle is the shoulder blade from a deer!

After such an interesting day, I wasn't sure what I could get into today... but with ALL THE RAIN (told you we'd come back to it) I thought it a good idea to go check the rapid down in Sebald Park in Middletown, Ohio. To my surprise, not only was the creek swollen, but the bridge was UNDER WATER!!!
 Heres the rapid at low flow!
The Bridge into Sebald Park (Middletown, Ohio)
After they crew gave up on trying to free the log jam.
 Here it is with just after the bridge became passable again!
Wild stuff right?! After seeing this, I REALLY wish I owned a raft! Anyways, I'd guess that this rapid goes from an EASY class 1 or MAYBE a SUPER EASY class 2, too a class 3/4 with the rise in water level. The only reason I would consider it a class 4 at this level though, is because your only swim option is down the middle... both sides are completely strainered out for about a half of a mile or more, and even this big, its still fairly shallow. 
Anyways, there you go! Have to love rain! Don't let a little water stop you from getting out and exploring a bit. And, take advantage of the good weather as it begins to arrive!

Today I also went to AAA and signed up. The nice people there, after hearing about my trip and my plans, decided to hook me up with a TON of travel info, maps, and booklets on National Parks!

What a kind thing to do! I am excited to go through this info and see what i can find. You never know whats out there until you look, and tools like this are of great help to finding interesting places to see, visit, eat and explore! 
I'll be heading to WV tomorrow to take care of a couple things, as one of the last steps in preparation for my trip west! Wish me luck! This is attempt number two, to get to WV... last time I tried, several days ago, my alternator died after about 30 miles or so into the trip!

I also wanted to add a quick review of a knife I have been carrying for about 4 years now... give or take. Its the Gerber Paraframe 3.0 (for 3" blade.) Its a well made, light weight, sturdy knife. I have the serrated model where about half of the lower end of the blade is ground into a very sharp serrated edge. Over the 3 or 4 of these knifes I have owned, I have only broke one of them, using the handled to pry open a wiper arm, and even then I was able to fix it temporarily until I could purchase a knew one. The only issue I have with this knife is how long it took to get! I was carrying a $50 Cabelas gift card around for almost a year when I decided it was time to cash it in on an emergency fire starter (flint rod and striker with small whistle) and a new Paraframe. It took over a month to get the Paraframe on backorder from Cabelas. I couldn't be more happy with a knife though, now that it's here. 

I want to leave you with this by Radical Face, called, Welcome Home. It's a great song I have been listening to lately because it makes me feel like summer. This is not an official video, nor is it the actual singer singing, just some guy that makes cool videos I think. Enjoy!

Until we meet again, Hippies!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

and furthermore...

So, since I started this little boggy-blog, all I have spoke of is the 4Runner and my trip. If this is going to be a place for all things pertaining to me, I need to be a bit more broad in my posting. So, with that being said... here we go!

I like to read... I'm a pretty picky reader, but I do like to read. I love pretty much all hot rod and rat rod rags, along with nearly every motorcycle rag I can get my hands on. As far as books, I tend to be strictly a nonfiction reader. I'm a sucker for the facts, ideas, opinions and TRUTH. As a Christian, I believe it is paramount to be as knowledgeable about my faith as I can be, so that leads me to reading a lot about theology, doctrine, the church, apologetics, history and books about people and there transformations to following Jesus. At any rate, let me start by saying this; I should NEVER be allowed to go to the bookstore, unless its somewhere with a quality 50-75% off section, because I always get suckered into paying full price for books I want! So, with that said, today I was in Books & Co. and picked up a couple books. I have read the introductions to both and am really looking forwarding to reading these books over the next couple/few weeks.

Here is the first book I picked up:
Alister McGrath's Christianity's Dangerous Idea. So far it seems like it will be a very thorough and impressive look a the Protestant Reformation movement. Already in the Introduction alone, it has spoke widely of Luther and Calvin. I'm pretty excited about this one.

Book 2 is:
R.C. Sproul's Defending Your Faith. This books is very intellectually written and will require me to read, reread, highlight and reread again, many sections. R.C. Sproul delivers a apologetic idea that starts first with the existence of God, then allows the works of Jesus and the Bible to fall in line. This is one of many methods to effective apologetics. This will be a good hard read and should challenge me deeply... and I am looking forward to the challenge!

Today also happens to be my sister Paige's birthday. We celebrated by going to BD's Mongolian Grill at The Green in Beavercreek Ohio. It was Delicious! My uncle Scott, Aunt Bev, and two cousins, Drew and Dylan met us for lunch as well. It was great to see those guys and chat and eat, even if it was only for a short while.

Id like to add one last thing before I wrap this up: Music is a big part of my life. Not as big a part as it once was, but a big part still, none the less. Lately I have been listening to a bit of Mumford and Sons (as well as what ever else shuffles onto my ipod... but a lot of M&S.) There is a song by M&S called "Awake My Soul," that I suggest, if you are a friend of mine, you have a listen to. It is a great song!, thats all Ill say about that.

Catch ya on the flip, Hippies!

Friday, April 15, 2011

Time to kick the tires and light the fires... or catch it on fire!

Not all blog posts can be happy and good news... this post will not be happy or good. Last night on my way to WV, about 20 miles from my Mom's house, the alternator died on the 4Runner... it was pretty late at night but thankfully I didn't have a bunch of crap in the 4Runner to worry about being stolen. I abandoned the truck to the side of the road, and came home and went to bed. After waking up early, I went back to the truck and met a tow truck driver, who towed the 4Runner back to my Mom's. It certainly wasn't a cheap process, but it was a good learning experience. I will be getting AAA before I head west, just to be safe! This morning I went and bought a new alternator and battery and installed them both into the 4Runner. It's a pretty easy and straight forward process. The rest of the day I spent tracing wires and checking connections, looking for shorts and making repairs in an attempt not to overload and cook the new alternator. Today has been a minor set back, but still a setback none the less. The cost of parts and towing add up fast, but it's not something I'm worried about effecting my trip to greatly just yet. Time and planning will tell.

On to the stuff I know you all want to see!

Old alternator VS new:
Original Toyota alternator with 220k miles on it!
Old battery details:
New battery details:
Had to drain the radiator to remove the bottom rad hose to get the old alternator out, and new alternator in. Good thing too because that coolant/antifreeze was NASTY!

Well, thats thats! I'll be spending the next day or so going over all the wiring again and making sure everything checks out okay. Today has been a long day!

See ya, Hippies,

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The spirit of blogging..

Since I'm in the spirit of blogging today, I'll make one more short entry. I know I have said I'm traveling west, but thats pretty vague. Here are some more details of my trip. I'll be leaving the Cincinnati area and heading west on I-70 through Colorado, up to the salt flats (where land speed records are set!), then on to Reno Nevada. Why Reno? Well... I wont say much about it other than I've come to the conclusion that its one of hidden gems of the west coast, among other reasons. If you want to know more... click This Link and some simple searching will help you out!

Here is the route as i have it mapped thus far:

View Directions to Reno, NV in a larger map

And thats my plan for Rubber Tramping this summer. Thats about 2,250 miles! I'm budgeting for 2,500 miles.. so at (hopefully!) 15mpg, and a high estimate of $4.00 a gallon average... thats a total of about $675 in total fuel costs. For safety I'm budgeting $700-$800 for fuel, and about $300 in extra for living on for a few weeks. I do miss when gas was under $3.00 a gallon... though I never mind paying 3 bucks a gallon. Over $3 a gallon is frustrating... and $4 a gallon and over is completely and totally asinine.

If you have any questions feel free to ask in a comment on here, or shoot me an email at kd8kty@gmail. com

Later Hippies!
Wazzzzup Blog peeps!?
Today is a day I feel like bringing some old stuff back... like "Wazzup?" and "Boom shaka-laka!" (which I still use anyways). Welcome to throwback day! Enjoy!

At any rate, the 4Runner is one step closer to being ready to go, and so is my departure date one day closer to being here. Yesterday, I was messing about with the back window and realized, despite my best efforts deep cleaning the seats and carpets, I did not get all of the oil spill/stain out of the rear carper area. The previous owner appears to have spilled some oil back there... not much and it seems to be clean oil, but none the less... it was all over might butt. So, I cleaned it up the best I could with some brake cleaner and some carb and choke cleaner then off to the the store I went.
After a bit of shopping, I picked up some painters plastic, Elmers brand spray glue and a $12.xx navy blue carpet... they didn't have black or gray. Oh well. When I got back home I laid out the plastic in the back of the 4Runner and unrolled the carpet. the fit is perfect! Then i used the Elmers spray glue, to glue up a little piece of my headliner that was falling down in the back. It had a bit of tack to it and would stay up for a week or so, then it would fall down. I'm hoping the Elmers spray glue will help keep it up for good... plus it was cheap!

So, heres what was done (I did A LOT more before creating this blog. Check my facebook pics for how crappy this thing looked and ran when I got it):

Cleaned out the back, laid down the seats and and unrolled the carpet over some painter plastic:

Front is cleaned and sorted:

Heres a couple shots of the back. Of course its not totally packed. I have been expirementing with packing arrangements.. its been tricky since my rear glass wont go up or down. haha.:


Kayak mount details... please ignore my finger in the corner of the shot >:-(

Cheapy power station from Wal-Mart for charging, ipod, phone and running the GPS and any other 12v devices I might need, or if a friend needs to charge too:

I also (not that you probably care!) changed the oil with some 15w-40 Rotella, and some lucas oil stabilizer.... I may have over filled it a bit (not a ton, dont worry) but it seems to be fine... and since its okay with a touch of extra oil.... i wont complain!

Thats it for now! I'm starting to get the hang of blogging I think. Just like updating a thread in a forum I guess. I'm trying to be more conscious of my spelling and grammar in my blog (without being too anal). Sometimes it can be hard to read stuff that is so poorly written!

I also want to thank my good friend Phoxx Ekcs for helping me sort out odds and ends as I go. Check out his up coming primitive kayak/lifestyle trip at Full Circle Kayak. Thanks Phoxx!

Anyways, talk to you again soon, Hippies!