IT RAINED SO MUCH!!... Pictures will come later... but before we get to that, lets have a look at a couple things I did over the past couple days. I get cabin fever pretty easily, so after a couple days of chilling out not doing much, outside of working on the 4Runner and doing some stuff for my trip, I was starting to get pretty antsy. First thing I did was take my youngest sister Megan, and my dog down to the creek behind my Mom and Tim's house. It's a pretty fun, quick little hike that provides and excellent excuse to get out of the house, even if only for an hour or so. Upon arrival to the creek, I just walked through the water to the other side, as I usually do. I turned around to see Tana in tow, and Megan staring at the water unwilling to cross... What a great opportunity to have some fun! When I began throwing big flat rocks in the creek, Megan became a bit confused, so I explained to her, I was building her a rock bridge and told her she should feel free to help out! After about 10 minutes this is what we had!
(Please ignore my pants...)
While moving rocks around, we found a couple of these little guys!
The Northern Two-Lined SalamanderThe Northern Two-Lined Salamander hiding in the water.
After playing in the creek for a while, I decided to set up my hammock for a bit and relax in the warm shade of the woods, and let Tana run around in the underbrush.
Because the woods are scary!
After a quick swim in the creek. Don't be fooled, he doesn't care much for water unless its SUPER hot out.
"Hold me, Man, I'm cooold!"
What a fun day! Could'nt get much better could it?! Well, later that evening, Megan, Wyatt (my step brother) and myself went for an casual walk down the road, enjoying the weather, and because I have to explore everything thing I see we stumbled on a couple of MASSIVE turtles mating in the creek that passes under Jacksonburg Road about a 1/4 mile south of the house. After allowing them plenty of time to finish there "business" and chill out in the water a bit, thinking we couldn't see them, we decided it would be a good idea to pluck one from the water for a quick picture! This is what we got!
Check out this massive Snapping Turtle (only posting pics of the 1), and you will note next to the turtle is the shoulder blade from a deer!
After such an interesting day, I wasn't sure what I could get into today... but with ALL THE RAIN (told you we'd come back to it) I thought it a good idea to go check the rapid down in Sebald Park in Middletown, Ohio. To my surprise, not only was the creek swollen, but the bridge was UNDER WATER!!!
Heres the rapid at low flow!
The Bridge into Sebald Park (Middletown, Ohio)
After they crew gave up on trying to free the log jam.
Here it is with just after the bridge became passable again!
Wild stuff right?! After seeing this, I REALLY wish I owned a raft! Anyways, I'd guess that this rapid goes from an EASY class 1 or MAYBE a SUPER EASY class 2, too a class 3/4 with the rise in water level. The only reason I would consider it a class 4 at this level though, is because your only swim option is down the middle... both sides are completely strainered out for about a half of a mile or more, and even this big, its still fairly shallow.
Anyways, there you go! Have to love rain! Don't let a little water stop you from getting out and exploring a bit. And, take advantage of the good weather as it begins to arrive!
Today I also went to AAA and signed up. The nice people there, after hearing about my trip and my plans, decided to hook me up with a TON of travel info, maps, and booklets on National Parks!
What a kind thing to do! I am excited to go through this info and see what i can find. You never know whats out there until you look, and tools like this are of great help to finding interesting places to see, visit, eat and explore!
I'll be heading to WV tomorrow to take care of a couple things, as one of the last steps in preparation for my trip west! Wish me luck! This is attempt number two, to get to WV... last time I tried, several days ago, my alternator died after about 30 miles or so into the trip!
I also wanted to add a quick review of a knife I have been carrying for about 4 years now... give or take. Its the Gerber Paraframe 3.0 (for 3" blade.) Its a well made, light weight, sturdy knife. I have the serrated model where about half of the lower end of the blade is ground into a very sharp serrated edge. Over the 3 or 4 of these knifes I have owned, I have only broke one of them, using the handled to pry open a wiper arm, and even then I was able to fix it temporarily until I could purchase a knew one. The only issue I have with this knife is how long it took to get! I was carrying a $50 Cabelas gift card around for almost a year when I decided it was time to cash it in on an emergency fire starter (flint rod and striker with small whistle) and a new Paraframe. It took over a month to get the Paraframe on backorder from Cabelas. I couldn't be more happy with a knife though, now that it's here.
I want to leave you with this by Radical Face, called, Welcome Home. It's a great song I have been listening to lately because it makes me feel like summer. This is not an official video, nor is it the actual singer singing, just some guy that makes cool videos I think. Enjoy!
Until we meet again, Hippies!
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