Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Is it STILL raining?!

Well, its been a hot minutes since I last checked in, so here goes nothing! (<still not sure how crazy I am about this opening line...) It has been raining for about a week straight here in Ohio! I think the last I heard, the state average is over 10" of rainfall for the month of April, which is a NEW STATE RECORD! That is just way top much rain. At least its been warm out.
At any rate, its been a busy week or so. I went to WV and back, packed the 4Runner and am on the move as well as played on some easy whitewater! On my drive to WV earlier this week, the weather proceeded to POUR a treacherous amount of rain on me. On several occasions the rain brought traffic to a crawl, and since the tires are nearly completely bald on my moms Honda Civic, I spent a majority of the trip hydroplaning down the highway. It was pretty exciting really. When I arrived in WV, I was greeted by good friends and MORE rain! I went up to the bar that I used to work at (Chetty's Pub) and caught up with Drew and Don, then headed over to the camper for some packing. The reason for packing is that, Don is buying the camper and plus I wouldn't feel comfortable heading west for a while, with a barely secured camper full of my stuff!

Mr. Don Wilson

Mr. Drew Fitzpatrick

The bar I tended at, Chetty's! I will miss it!
The view from the back deck of Chetty's into the New River Gorge.

Heres a few pics from my trip home from WV, when the rain held out until I hit the west side of Ohio.

Captain Crunch
Cathedral Falls, Gauley Bridge WV (looks much larger in person)
Gauley Bridge, WV (a TERRIBLE speed trap... believe it or not, I was given a $300 speeding ticket for 42 in a 40mph zone!)
The Capitol Building of WV. Charleston, WV (AKA the Golden Dome of The Rock in WV)
The cooling towers in Nitro, WV

After I got home, I loaded and packed the 4Runner and hit the road. My first stop is for a short while in Springfield Ohio. I am from Springfield and have a lot of family there. Springfield as been a good place to work out the kinks in my packing system and work on better planning and preparation for my trip west. It also is nice that there is a whitewater park in Springfield that I can use to get a little whitewater fix in while I am here!
4Runner loaded and rolling! Pics of my inside setup coming soon!
The lake in Springfield Ohio. C.J. Brown Reservoir as seen from the disc golf course. Its a fun course but be aware, it would be VERY easy to loose a disc there.
Sean Fellers dropping hole 1 in the Springfield WW Park on the Stand-up Paddle Board.
Me knee surfing in hole 1, thinking about standing up. Psyching myself up, to stand up and then EAT IT!
AND STANDING! BOOM SHAKA-LAKA! Managed to surf standing for 30 second to a minute before eating it.

Well folks, thats about it. I want to say thanks to Andy from The Outdoor Sourse in Columbus Ohio, for allowing Sean and I get goofy on his stand-up board and for giving us some instruction so we didn't kill ourselves. All in all, its been a fun and interesting few days. Sorry this update is a bit short, but I am at McDonalds, and there is no where to plug in the lappy-lap for more power! More to come soon!

EDIT (04/29/2011): You know, I knew I was forgetting something and sure enough I remembered what it was after I left my wifi spot. I was just in such a rush to beat my dying laptop battery that I was writing from what I was recalling from my pictures. At any rate, I also stopped to drop off a LAAATE Christmas gift to my good friends Glenn and Terry Sutton while I was in WV. I didn't get a chance to see Terry unfortunately, but I was able to see Glenn and chat briefly. Glenn and Terry are two of the nicest, most gracious people I have ever met in my entire life. They are truly great friends to me and I consider my self blessed to know them. Love them like family! I look forward to seeing them again, without a doubt. Glenn, if you read this blog, sorry I missed your call, but thanks a ton for the voice mail. Couldn't have come at a better time! Cheers, friend!

TTYL Hippies,

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